
OurWaterLA is a diverse coalition of community leaders and organizations from across Los Angeles County united to create a strong water future for Los Angeles.

Act Now!

  • Take the first step towards creating the equitable water future you want to see in Los Angeles.

  • Together we can shape the future of our watershed.

  • Pledge your support for the Safe, Clean Water Program.

  • Comprométase a apoyar el Programa de Agua Limpia y Segura.

  • Add your virtual signature and pledge your support for a Safe, Clean Water Program that prioritizes nature, community health, jobs, & equity.

Our Water LA

Our Water LA is a diverse coalition of community leaders and organizations from across Los Angeles County united to create a strong water future for Los Angeles. Our goal is to secure clean, safe, affordable and reliable water for drinking, recreation and commerce now and for the future. #OurWater supports fair and equitable funding mechanisms and oversight to ensure fiscal accountability. ● Prioritize Nature-Based Projects that Result in Multiple Benefits: Incentivize local projects that offer water quality and supply benefits, create green and open space in park-poor communities, and generate jobs for local residents. ● Support Job Creation and Workforce Development: Fund environmental literacy, training, accreditation and other workforce development programs that further equitable job creation within the green workforce and help build needed capacity and expertise within the sector. ● Embrace Transparency: Provide clear, impartial information on a potential program and funding measure. ● Conduct Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement: Incorporate targeted outreach to diverse stakeholders throughout the County, particularly low income communities that are most affected by water quality issues.
Our Water LA
Our Water LA3 weeks ago
Attention all LA County middle & high school teachers, administrators, and students! 💧

Join us for an exciting, FREE, virtual workshop event on February 19, from 3:30-5pm hosted by the Generation Earth team at TreePeople:
💦 Discuss current water issues in LA County
💦 Learn to lead water-related campus projects
💦 Access free NGSS-aligned resources
💦 Valid for LAUSD salary points
💦 Receive FREE Generation Earth swag
💦 Enter a raffle for a chance to win a free rain barrel!
Our Water LA
Our Water LA1 month ago
LA County community, your voice matters! Help shape the future of safe, clean water by taking this survey!!
Our Water LA
Our Water LA1 month ago
Hello Fellow Orgs! Don’t miss this opportunity of applying to Water Foundation & SCWP education and community engagement grant!!
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OurWaterLA would like to recognize that the waters we work to protect are part of unceded Indigenous land. We would like to acknowledge and pay our respects to elders past, present, and emerging.

OurWaterLA is currently pursuing consultation with local Indigenous Nations with the intention of understanding and uplifting Indigenous community needs and priorities. We would love to hear from any members of Indigenous Nations who would like to participate in consultation with OurWaterLA. If you are interested, please fill out this contact form.